Chapter 2: What may be different about your grief

Your couple identity

I've been there
Bonnie describes facing loss without her husband by her side.(3:22)Video transcript
Dianne talks about the loss of friendships after her husband died.(3:22)Video transcript

When my husband died, I asked, “Who am I?” My immediate sensation was that I felt like half a person. It was overwhelming.

We’d been together since we were teenagers. We did everything together – all of the ups and downs of life. I’ve had to learn to do things on my own since she died.

You and your spouse probably developed your own “couple personality” of sorts. You and others may have thought of yourselves as a couple who shared various preferences, lifestyles, values, and experiences. Click on the arrows below for some examples.

Over time, as your bonds deepened, your sense of “we” likely became a part of who you understood yourself to be.