Chapter 1: Conversations about the future

Planning for future care

I was so relieved when we put a plan in place. At least I had some idea of what my husband wanted and how I would try to handle it.

Below are some steps to help you and the person who is ill get started with the goals of care. Click on each one for more information. 

Suggest that the person who is ill chooses someone they trust to speak on their behalf if they can’t or choose not to speak for themselves. This person will work with the doctors and nurses to make decisions and guide the care. The legal term for this person is “substitute decision-maker.”

*Depending on where you live, this person may be given a different title. You can explore resources specific to your province or territory using the link in the resources below.

Note: It is very important that the person who is ill talks to the substitute decision-maker about their wishes for their future healthcare. It is also important to name person in the advance care plan.

Helpful resources