Chapter 2: Who’s on your team?

It takes a village: Family and friends

I’ve been there
Paul speaks about how families and friends can help by making specific offers to help and support rather than vague, open offers. (3:22)Video transcript

At the beginning, I was the caregiver 24/7 for six weeks. Then one of her sisters came, and we worked out a rotation where we would each stay a certain number of weeks and then go home for ten days. It worked out so much better.

It truly does take a village to safely provide care for someone at home. Many caregivers try to “do it all” themselves but quickly realize the toll that caregiving can take. It can be very exhausting, both physically and emotionally, for the primary caregiver and other family members helping with care.

Often friends and family want to help but they are not sure how. Asking for help with caregiving and household tasks could greatly reduce some of your responsibilities. This will also provide some time to visit with the person who is ill and perhaps some time for yourself. 

Below is a list of some of the tasks that you may need help with. Click on each topic to reveal several of the tasks involved and examples of how others may help.